Aquatic CranioSacral Therapy

Restore your connection to the deep well of information and wisdom that is contained within, while being held and supported in the water

What is Aquatic Craniosacral therapy?

Aquatic CranioSacral therapy is just what it sounds like, a CranioSacral session conducted in water. Receiving in the water takes the deep potential for awakening that is offered in every craniosacral therapy session with the added benefit of freeing us from the pull of gravity. This offers possibilities of movement and stretching into areas of one's body that may have been previously unavailable, all while being held and supported in the water.


What can Aquatic Craniosacral therapy help with?

Aquatic CranioSacral therapy can assist with all the same conditions indicated for standard CranioSacral sessions, which include:

  • Stress and tension

  • Migraine headache

  • Chronic pain

  • Temporo-mandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)

  • Fascial adhesions

  • Recovering from an injury

  • General health maintenance

  • Pre and post surgery

  • Post-Concussion Syndrome

  • Stroke recovery

  • Anxiety and depression

What happens in a session?

Our sessions range from 60-75 minutes and are held in Santa Rita Springs, a salt water therapy pool. Before we begin we will get acquainted and discuss the reasons for your being at the session. We can work through your fears or anxieties related to what might come up during our session. There is a shower for pre and post pool and a private area to change into your bathing suit for the session. There are flotation devices available for neck and legs to allow for a more weightless experience. In the same way as a standard CST session, I’ll begin with a light touch, and evaluate the craniosacral space and gently encourage the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid into a more aligned place. Your experience may vary widely and from session to session. Clients may feel physical or emotional release that ranges from slight tingling and relaxation to deeper release that may include a “SomatoEmotional Release”, or the release of deeper, traumatic experiences that have been held in the body and are ready to be transformed. My main goal is to provide a safe, reassuring and secure space to assist you in the recovering your connection to your “inner physician” (a term John Upledger came up with to describe the part of us that knows everything). After the session, you’ll get dressed again and there is time for processing and integration of whatever came up for you.

Read more on the FAQ Page

Ready to begin?


“After my first pool experience I felt as though I’d received four sessions in one!”

- Happy Client